Historical black swan event imminent
There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent. The exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.
This comes after a March 17th election in Israel that is expected to end Zionazi rule of that nation. The humiliation of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu during his uninvited US visit last week was a clear indication of this. His speech was not broadcast by the main US news networks and was greeted with anti-Nentanyahu demonstrations by Jews in New York and Israel. To top it off, a former Mossad chief accused him of persistently lying about the so-called “Iran threat.” It is even possible Netanyahu was secretly ordered to commit political suicide with that speech.
The other sign that it is not business as usual was re-organization of the CIA that was announced last week. The CIA is now under the control of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to Asia based CIA sources. The contents of the reorganization and the new mission statement of that agency are all in line with Pentagon thinking. Just who was purged from that agency has not been made public but CIA sources say the top ranks of the formerly Bush controlled Directorate of Operations have changed. This has cleared the way for a further purge of the Washington D.C. Cesspool.
A heavy duty attack on the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate is already under way. Zionazi whore Senator Robert Menendez, former head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is facing criminal charges. So is Bush allied New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Now the corporate media is full of stories about Hitlery Clinton and $6 billion that went missing from the US State Department during her tenure there. Bill Clinton is facing pedophile allegations in the scandal involving billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The final target will be the Bush family. Once the Bushes are removed, it will be possible to see if they are a front for other, more well-hidden, puppet masters.
In the UK as well, a heavy assault on the Zionazi Satanists is continuing to unfold. The latest revelation is that former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and current Prime Minister David Cameron were both guilty of covering up pedophile scandals. The top bureaucrat and secret power in the UK, Chief Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood, is also linked to this cover-up.
This is like a game of chess where you start by taking down an opponent’s pawns, knights and bishops before going after rooks, queens and finally the king. By taking down these people it should be possible to then have the diplomatic immunity granted to Tony Blair removed. This would open Tony Blair to prosecution on charges of war crimes.
Tony Blair would then no doubt sing like a canary about the Rothschilds, thus paving the way for the final denouement.
That is probably why last week Jacob Rothschild said “Investors face a geopolitical situation as dangerous as any since World War 2.”
The Rothschild family and their allies have been recently burning historical archives in order to cover up the circumstances under which the League of Nations and the United Nations were created, according to Russian FSB sources. The first was a fire at a library in Russia on January 30th that contained ancient historical Slavic documents. Then next was one at a documents warehouse in Brooklyn, New Jersey on January 31st. According to the Russians, the destroyed documents contained evidence that Czar Nicholas II donated gold to set up the League of Nations Trust before World War I began. As a result, ownership of 88.8% of the gold held by the Federal Reserve Board can be traced to Nicholas, the Russians claim. Shortly after donating their gold, Nicholas and his family were killed during the Rockefeller-funded Russian revolution. However, the Russians claim that former Russian Premiere Alexei Kosygin was in fact the son of Czar Nicholas II and so there are still legitimate claimants to that gold in Russia.
The only independent verification I can come up with for these Russians statements are some documents shown to me by a Bank of Japan librarian showing that 10 tons of Russian gold were taken to Japan by a Japanese warship during the Bolshevik revolution. Japan never returned that gold. Perhaps the Russian Embassy in Japan should make some enquiries.
If the Russian allegations are true, they may explain Jacob Rothchild’s sudden concern about “Russian aggression and expansion.” It would also explain the recent hysterical Russia bashing by Rothschild servants like UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
This may also be connected to another mystery. The King World Gold bug news site quoted London metals trader Andrew Maguire as saying that HSBC would be shutting down all 7 of its gold warehouses in London within two months.
The mystery of course, is just what happened or is going to happen to all this gold?
It is possible the gold has been sold and the money laundered through the US and Japanese stock markets in order to abscond with the money before the rightful owners sue for its return. Take a look at this chart here showing how the price of gold and the Nikkei stock market have been moving in identical, but opposite, directions. Somebody has been selling gold and buying Japanese shares.
The trail leads further, according to Japanese yakuza sources, to Wilbur Ross Jr. who “spent 25 years heading up Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy practice.” Ross is “chairman of the Japanese Society in New York and was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star from the Japanese government in February for his contributions to U.S.-Japan relations.”
There is also a strong possibility the gold has all ended up in China. That is because the Chinese Yuan, the US dollar and the price of gold have all been moving in tandem with each other in recent months vis a vis other world currencies. Furthermore, the Chinese put up a billboard up near Bangkok’s airport recently featuring a picture of a gold coin and announcing the Chinese Yuan as the “New World Currency.”
The Rothschild slave regime in Japan represented by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party acting troupe have also been up to some stealing of their own. According to an informant from the Japanese security police, Abe has stolen at least 200 trillion yen from the Japanese national pension fund, the Postal Savings Bank and the Agricultural Savings Bank (Norinchukin). This money has been sent overseas to support Zionazi cabal banks, according to the source. According to Japan’s government propaganda newspapers, these institutions are “increasing investment allocations for foreign bonds in order to maximize returns.” This is theft pure and simple and is not going to help save a mathematically doomed cabal.
Perhaps because I wrote about this theft in a Japanese language article I got a call today from somebody at this number: 81-(0)80-5242-0737 saying they were “going to kill me tonight.” Clearly somebody is running scared and it is not this writer.
The Abe regime also seems to be in a hurry to establish a military government. Recent proposals put forth by Abe include removing civilian control over Japanese Self Defense Forces and re-establishing an international Japanese spy agency modelled on the UK’s MI6.
Perhaps he is in a hurry to establish a military government because there will be a trial at the Tokyo High Court this Friday the 13th, where evidence will be presented by the Japan Independence Party that Abe’s regime was placed in power by rigged elections. As reported before here, the “votes” that put Abe in power were over 90% counted by machines built by Mushashi Engineering. Musashi Engineering is owned by Fortess Asset Management. Fortress is headed by Peter L. Briger, a member of David Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
Japan, together with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council member countries are all that now stand between the Zionazi cabal and bankruptcy. The Pentagon and Japanese police and Japanese Self Defense Forces white hats need to get on the case and kick Zionazis like Ross and Briger out of Japan.
Finally, as repeated so often here, the US and Japan both need to nationalize their central banks and give the power to create and distribute money back to the people and their honestly elected (and bribe free) representatives. Money that was stolen by the privately owned central banks and their controlling families can then be returned to its rightful owners. Honest local banks, savings associations and genuinely entrepreneurial (as opposed to kleptocratic) companies can continue to operate in such a system. When that happens, humanity will be free from Babylonian debt slavery for the first time in thousands of years. That is the Black or should I say White Swan event we are all waiting for. The time is ripe now.