Tara&Rama Report 3-24-15
注: Tara&Rama是一对转世在人身中的双生光灵魂伴侣们,
他们是少数可以直接从 “基督办公室”获得直接讯息的光工们.
Tara: Greetings, Everyone! 大家好!
Magic is afoot and Goddess in us is indeed alive.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: Rama had to get himself in a little fix with his car in order to have quite a story to tell us today, so I’m going to pass the talking stick to Rama.
Rama: Yes. Let’s just say I locked myself out of the car ‘cause on the driver’s side the handle was gone and on the passenger side, the key, the original key is broken off in the lock. So. . . Tara: . . . and then the button on the automatic . . .
Rama: . . .remote . . .
Tara: . . .doesn’t work to unlock the door. . .
Rama: . . . because the remote is 19 years old. . .
Tara: Yes, anyway, continue, Rama.
Rama: On with the story here. So I called up the Triple A and they came and got the car opened and I got to meet this guy Lenny and . . .
Tara: . . . and that’s not his real name either.
Rama: And that is not his real name. Lenny is one of the White Knights who. .
Tara: He’s also part of the militia forces, right?
Rama: Yeah, he’s part of the New Mexico Militia Forces and he carries a phaser and he works with the King of Swords. I’ll put it that way.
莱尼是白色骑士之一。 。
他携带一支雷射光剑,他与 “剑王”(耶稣之分身)一起工作。
Tara: . . . and Rama met him one more time a long time ago and he helped him out with even a different car. That was a long time ago.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: But, so that’s what happened here so tell them . . .
Rama: Go ahead.
Tara: Rama asked him, you know, they were reconnecting – and he said, ‘Do you have some good news, you know, so that I can give some good news for Ashtar On The Road. And Rama described that he had this American flag and it was upside down on his leather jacket and the meaning of that is that there is a national emergency and all of the police and the militia know what that means.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And then he said, ‘Oh, I come to Ashtar On The Road, too.’ So, hi, Lenny, wherever you are.
Rama: Hi, Lenny, thank you!
Tara: And he said, ‘I heard the call that you guys need some help. And so he got his cell phone out and pushed a bunch of buttons. Then he had a rubber blow-up tool that was square and you stick it in flat between the cardboard and the frame and then he blows it up with a hand pump and then he can get in with his long metal device that had a magnetic claw and then he grabbed on to the indoor handle and opened the door.
Rama: Right. Very simple.
(事件说明: Tara车坏了, 车门打不开.)
塔拉:然后, 他说,“我听说你们需要一些帮助。
然后他就可以用他的, 有磁性爪的长的金属装置,
就把车门给打开了。Rama: 很简单!
Tara: Then he said, ‘Don’t worry about anything. I’ll fill out a report for Geico Insurance. Go home and get ready for the Ashtar On The Road call. And he said on a final note, he said, ‘We are on the ultimate edge of full disclosure.’ And he said Mr. Putin probably will be the first to disclose, yet do not cast that entirely in stone. Don’t cast it in stone that he would be the one.
Rama: Yeah.
回家去吧,并准备好 “阿斯塔在路上”的收音机节目。
“我们现在是在 “完全大揭露的最终极边缘”了。”
Tara: He said that Mr. Obama is juggling all the balls he’s got in the air and he’s having to keep in check all the crazies in the DC barnyard at the same time.
At that moment Rama got a tweet and in the tweet it said that Ted Cruz and his wife signed up for Obamacare.
Rama: . . . which is a total like. . .
Tara: . . . turnaround. Anyway, and it said that his wife is in need of some special medical care. So they went ahead and got Obamacare after all the rigmarole that these guys, after closing down the government over that too, back last year. . .
Rama: And even this day on the Chris Hays Show on NBC, they showed Ted Cruz totaly trashing Obamacare and Obama, and were just saying, we need to send this guy back to Kenya.
Tara: (Whoa, come on!) So anyway, Rama read this to Lenny and Lenny just said, ‘Mr. Cruz is going to have to eat his words and all of that repeal Obamacare talk. And then he said, all of the Nazi Khazarian Zionists are being exposed for their hypocrisy right now, and I can vouch for it.
I must have twenty different articles that are exposing from the Clintons on. The Clintons are instrumental in what’s happened here in the Ukraine. And a very big oligarch, or Ukrainian oligarch that gave them millions and millions of dollars through Mr. Clinton’s, you know. . .
Rama: Foundation.
你知道的。 。 。
Tara: Foundation. And they basically rigged the killings going on there. Not just McCain, this is the Clintons everybody. That was one story here. The fact that within the last couple of weeks there’s been one report after the next, you know. Nancy Pelosi told Rama just last Thursday. She said, ‘You will get your Act.’
Rama: Meaning, the Reformation Act.
你知道的。Nancy Pelosi佩洛西上星期四告诉拉玛。
拉马:意思就是~~ “改革法案”。
Tara: And Rama went to see her in person at the Santa Fe College because she had come here to personally invite Congressman Ruhan. . .
Rama: Ruhan.
因为她已经亲自来这里邀请国会议员Ruhan了。 。 。
Tara: . . . to be the head of the Democratic National Convention Campaign for 2016 for the whole Democratic campaign. That means for everybody that’s going to run.
Rama: Right.
塔拉:。 。 。邀请去当
大家, 这就意味着~~请他参与选举。
Tara: And, so Rama got to meet him, too. She just said, ‘Don’t worry. This is over and everybody is being exposed now. And then on Sunday Katrina vanden Heuvel. She got on Right, Left and Center with Mark Green on the radio and it’s also in Canada as a TV show.
Rama: CBC, Canadian Broadcast Corporation. And it’s called ‘Right, Left and Center.’
然后在周日Katrina vanden Heuvel卡特里娜范登休维尔。
“Right, Left and Center车右,左,中心”节目在收音机电台,
Tara: And it’s a TV show. So that means millions of people in Canada, too, so, she said, ‘There can be no peace until 9-11 as an inside job is dealt with.’ And then she said, “Netanyahu is a two-faced liar. First he calls and says, ‘There will be no Palestinian state as long as I am in office.’ That’s before the elections, and then after the elections he reneged and says, ‘I believe in the two-state solution.’” And she just finished it off. She didn’t go into detail. She just said, ‘Someone needs to summarily deal with Netanyahu and all of his war crimes.’
And that is connected with, it’s very important that people really get this part, you might even not know it about yourself, yet the genetic ancestry of Jews is about 80 to 90 percent from Ashkenazi Jews and they converted. That’s just a religious conversion – around 760 AD from Khazar, Georgia, about 800 miles from Israel. They converted, yet they were not Semites, meaning that they are not the original Hebrews at all. The actual Semitic genes are all the same tribes as the Palestinians.
但犹太人的基因遗传祖先是大约占Ashkenazi Jews德系犹太人 的
而且他们换了宗教。这只是一个宗教的转换 –
在史前 760 AD那时候在Khazar哈扎尔,Georgia格鲁吉亚这里
So what’s going on is that this is a cover-up that’s been going on all through WWII into now. And again, you’ve got to remember that we never ended WWII. All we did was take a hundred thousand of the guilty participants and sent them down to Argentina and then bring them to the United States. And so this is a very awkward moment where we are realizing that Zionism and the State of Israel and the genocide of the Palestinian people are all based on lies, created by Britain and America, committing the same atrocities as the holocaust to profit from the conflict of the Middle East.
所以,这是怎么回事呢? ~~这是一个事实的掩盖~~
And there is a big piece on that story, on the Middle East. Oh, my goodness! This is from Palace of Peace.‘The Middle East and Hungary and Romania are all connected in an underground labyrinth. In the summer of 2003 in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, an incredible discovery was found that would completely change history and the destiny of all of mankind.