US National Weather Service Amarillo Texas added 2 new photos.
Yesterday morning, Texan Joshua Thomas took this picture in Red River, NM and shared it with us. He captured a truly special display of ice halo phenomena including rare suncave and sunvex Parry arcs, helic arcs, and intense supralateral and infralateral arcs. See also the diagramed version, which the outstanding folks at US National Weather Service La Crosse Wisconsin did for the photo. To learn more about ice halos and other atmospheric optical phenomena, see the Atmospheric Optics page: Thanks again to Joshua Thomas and NWS La Crosse for taking and documenting this halo display!
昨天上午,德克薩斯州約書亞·托馬斯拍下了這張照片在紅河,NM並和我們一起分享這些照片。他拍攝到的“冰暈現象” ~~是一個真正特別的顯示,包括了罕見的suncave太陽洞穴和sunvex太陽弧,螺旋面圓弧和激烈的超極側弧線supralateral和infralateral下側弧線。請見圖解版本~~那是優秀的美國國家氣象局人員在拉克羅斯威斯康星州所做的照片。要了解更多關於冰暈等大氣光學現象,請參考大氣光學頁。再次感謝約書亞托馬斯和NWS拉克羅斯的拍攝和記錄這個光環顯象!