【天狼星贝努鸟的故事】The Sirian Story of the Bennu Bird
The Master Teachers of Ascension from the Sirius system taught your ancestors, the Ancient Egyptians, about the Cosmic mechanisms of the cycles of Destruction and Birth that form the basis of all life in your Galaxy.
The Bennu Bird was the name which they gave to Cosmic Bird of Creation (the name Phoenix was given later by the Greeks). The Bennu Bird flew across the Cosmic Waters and alighted on a Mound that was rising out of the Waters. When the Bennu Bird called out with Sound, Creation began and the Earth emerged as a Planet with Life forms.
But, as the Sirian Masters taught, it was the habit of the Bennu Bird to burst into Flames and destroy itself after a Cycle of time. But, from the Ashes of the Bird, a new Bennu Bird would arise and fly off to begin a New Cycle of Creation.
So, Beloved ones, there was always and only One Bennu Bird in creation, but it was infinite, and always renewing itself in the Fires of Creation.
Beloved Family of Light, you are privileged to be living at a time when the Bennu Bird is going through this process of Destruction and Renewal, and to be a part of the process.
【月亮转变:天秤座满月和月食-创造之水重新编码多次元行星恒星新的平衡】Lunar Shift : Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra and the Waters of Creation Recoding a New Balance in a Multi-Dimensional Star/Planet
On the 4th of April, the Full Moon will fall in Libra (Aries), the house of Harmony and Balance. There will still be tension with the Fire Energy in Aries, but the incoming Light Codes for the Lunar Eclipse will be those of Water, the Galactic Element of Creation, blended with the Air Element of Harmony and Beauty.
The Sirian Master teachers also taught that the Cosmos and the Galaxy were fluid, and spoke of the ‘waters’ of the Cosmos, and the Earth as a ‘boat’ that sailed on the Cosmic Waters.
In this Cosmology, the Earth emerged from the Galactic Flow of Space and Time and took on existence and form. The ‘Tree of Life’ grew out of this original creation impulse, and many of your Spiritual traditions on the Earth teach of the ‘Tree of Life’ as a symbol for all of creation on the Earth.
At this time, the energy of water will be powerfully recoded with the Light Codes of Diamond Creation; the Creation Codes for the New Earth. A New Tree of Life is emerging on the Earth!
You will feel the flow of the water energy as an urge to be Creative, to renew your life and relationships in some way, and to engage with the Earth and the environment in some of these processes of social and environmental renewal.
Beloved Ones, this is a powerful time for the ‘New’, for new projects, new careers and new directions. At the same time, you may also be surprised at the failure of the old, as old relationships, careers, and projects that seemed so good suddenly fall away and come to an end. You may need to traverse the void for a while as you follow the flow of Cosmic Creation, but you can be assured that something new will arise in its place.
【奥里西斯的升起和全球复活节庆祝】The Rising of Osiris and the Global Celebration of Easter
The period of the 3rd to the 6th of April is also celebrated as the Christian festival of Easter by millions of people around the planet. This is done in remembrance of the death and resurrection/rebirth of the Avatar Yeshua.
The life of Yeshua is a reflection of an earlier teaching of the Masters from Sirius and Orion. They taught that a Radiant Being from Orion called Osiris came to the Earth with his partner, Isis. Together they assisted Humanity in the period after the destructive trauma of the fall of Atlantis.
The Sirian Masters taught that Osiris died, and was brought back to life as a Master of the Dimensional Change to become infinite and Eternal. This feat was celebrated annually in Egypt, together with the rising of the Nile River, and the process of Ascension and Rebirth was associated with Water and the return of Abundance to the land.
So, when the Avatar Yeshua and his partner, Mary Magdalene, came to the Earth, they too were part of the teachings of Ascension and Transformation, or Alchemy. The death of Yeshua and his subsequent ‘ascension’ to the Higher Dimensional Form is what is celebrated at Easter.
So it is, Beloved Family of Light, that the death and rebirth of the Cosmic Avatar became a Template, or pattern, or archetype, for the transformation of every human who has activated the Light Body in the process of Ascension to Higher Consciousness and Infinite Being.
Beloved Ones, this powerful Avatar energy will also join with the powerful elemental Water energy to raise the consciousness of Humanity on the Planet at this time.
【传 导】Celia Fenn
【翻 译】shan-athana
【日 期】20150318
Celia Fenn: The Phoenix Rising: Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015