Beloved Family of Light, this is a most powerful and awe-inspiring time in your Planetary Evolution!
You have begun a period of intense change and dimensional shift that is changing the nature of your Planet profoundly. At this Equinox moment of Spring for the North and Fall for the South, the energy of Renewal and Regeneration is being powerfully activated in the manifestation of the New Reality and the New Earth.
The Phoenix is the symbol for this powerful energy of Fire that is rising on the Earth and doing its work of Transmutation and Transformation. From the Ashes of the Old, the New is seeded and is arising!
The Phoenix Energy is particularly strong at the March Equinox, together with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. The New Solar Light Codes are being installed, and a New Beginning awaits the Planet.
This will be followed on the 4th April with a Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, where the Water Element will be the dominant transformational element. The Lunar Codes will be imprinted on the Cosmic Waters and the Waters of Earth to bring forth a ‘New Creation’ and a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’.
At the same time, there is a grand opening on the Galactic Levels, and Earth is not only anchoring in the 6th and 7th Dimensions of Higher Consciousness, but also reconnecting directly with the Galactic Teachers and Masters from Sirius and Orion, who stand ready to once again share the wisdom of Ascension and Higher Consciousness with those who are open to receive these teachings and wisdom.
Solar Shift: The New Solar Codes and Rebirthing the Phoenix on the Equinox/New Moon in Pisces
The Equinox, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse align on the 20th March, which is also the beginning of the Fire Sign of Aries which begins the Zodiacal year. The Fire energy of Aries energizes the Phoenix energy, as it springs forth in an act of Regeneration and Recreation for the Earth.
At the moment of the Equinox, when the seasons change and when the day and the night are of equal length, it is as though the Earth takes a deep breath, or a pause on its journey around the Sun.
At the same time, all living beings readjust their inner time keeping mechanisms to allow themselves to connect with the deep changes in seasonal and elemental energy that is taking place. This is even more powerful when there is a New Moon, which is also a Fire Moon (Phoenix), and when that Fire Moon is also in Eclipse, allowing New Planetary Solar Codes to be integrated into the Cycles of Solar Light in the Solar/Solaris system.
As citizens of the Earth, you will feel these powerful shifts in your own physical body, in your society and in your environment.
In the Physical Body, you will be receiving Fire Codes or Solar Light Codes via the Pineal Gland and into the Light Body and the Physical Body. This is an intense Gold and Diamond Light that activates very strongly. You may experience these activations as an intense Joy and Ecstasy, as the Golden and Diamond energies activate on the cellular levels.
You may also feel an intense pressure in your physical system that translates as physical effects such as migraines, high blood pressure, muscular spasms, pain [in] the Solar Plexus, and small domestic ‘accidents’, as the unstable energy may render some of you in an ungrounded state. We urge you to strive to remain focused and grounded in this period.
You may also find that people around you are angry and explosive, and prone to emotional outbursts. Remember, Beloved Ones, that everyone is integrating these energies, and those that are not awakened are having to do this without the benefit of knowledge and information that would assist them. So they are anxious and fearful, and not really sure why this is.
Your work is to remain focused in your Heart and in the energy of Love and Compassion, so that this beautiful energy of the Diamond Heart can radiate out into the Earth.
In your physical environment, you will find that Nature is responding to the energy of the Phoenix. In the Southern Hemisphere, where there has been a very hot and dry summer, there have been many destructive Wild Fires in South Africa, Argentina, and Chile. In each case, huge areas of Forest and Vegetation have been consumed in this Fire Dance, as Nature facilitates the energy of Transformation and Change, making way for the Seeds of the New.
In the Northern Hemisphere too, you should prepare for a ‘Summer of Fire’ as this energy moves through the Summer in its function of clearing and cleansing and making space for the new.
This will be felt most strongly on the social level, where the fires of change will burn in people’s hearts as they confront the old with the intent to destroy what no longer works and seed the changes for a new way of life.
【传 导】Celia Fenn
【翻 译】shan-athana
【日 期】20150318
Celia Fenn: The Phoenix Rising: Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015